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These are my active independent and collaborative research, restoration and outreach projects.
Soaking It In: Species-Specific Effects of Anthropogenic Nutrient Enrichment on Caribbean Coral Reef Sponges
Florida State University Department of Biological Science Doctoral Dissertation Project
Major Professor: Janie Wulff, PhD

Development of Coral Reef Sponge Restoration Techniques in the Florida Keys
Collaboration with Islamorada Conservation and Education Restoration non-profit organization (I.CARE)
I.CARE Co-Founders: Kylie Smith, PhD and Mike Goldberg
Photo credit: Tiffany Duong

Filtering through our methodologies: A comparison of techniques for documenting tropical marine sponges
Collaborative project to assess the strengths and limitations of various methods used to document populations of tropical marine sponges.
Mentor and Collaborator: Dr. Janie Wulff

Reefbites Blog
I serve as the Blog Post Coordinator for the International Coral Reef Society's Student and Early Career Chapter blog

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